Whitley's Flowers, Your Local Jackson Florist
Need delivery today? Call us, we may be able to accomodate.
Need delivery today? Call us, we may be able to accomodate.
Featured Floral Arrangements
Fantasy In Pink
Soft and sweet, pink and pretty for that special someone.
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Flower delivery in Jackson
We're a real brick and mortar florist located in Jackson.
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Virginia Bull
What a wonderful florist! I went to college in Jackson, MS and remembered this florist. I needed to send my son’s girlfriend some flowers for her birthday. I picked a gorgeous bouquet and somehow they made it better than the picture shown. She was very pleased. Thank you!
Bonnie Cooper
Whitley's made a GORGEOUS bouquest for my friend who is hospitalized. I told Robert what I wanted and they did a fabulous job creating a special arrangement. Thank you!!
Brenda Sims
I received this arrangement almost a week ago and they are as beautiful now as they were the day they were delivered.